Friday, January 4, 2013

1964 GMC 1000 230 Inline 6, When You Have More Time Then Money.

 We finish up this 230 with some red and black paint a little re wiring a tune up 2 1/2 exhaust and a 2 bbl carb. All together we are running at around 450 bucks for a 49 year old grease bucket to run like new at 17 mpg around town for the last 10,000+ miles and still starts the first crank everyday till this day.

Don't forget to check out all the before pictures of the motor under 230 inline 6 clean up. Also check out my 1960 K1000 4x4 Project.
After all that hard work and prep comes the reward witch is laying some paint to make her new again.

The exhaust was made with exhaust fittings on the shelf at NAPA $90 for everything.

Cap, router, plugs, wires, oil filter, oil, and a rebuild fuel pump.
On these Inline 6's i recommend using the gasket you get with your kit if you want to blow anti freeze all over your newly painted motor, i enjoy making mine.

I even put a small layer of silicon on everything then put it on the truck snug it down slightly then go back in a hour or 2 and give it a good tightening.

2bbl holly while installing this carb i had to make a tab for the linkage to hook into and i had to extend the linkage as well.

Just welded 2 linkages together.

The tab that had to be welded onto an org part of the carb.

SWEET auto choke works like a charm!

It's not the fastest thing in the world but it sure sounds like you are going some place when your blasting through the gears burning the tires you can hit 55 in 3rd and from there its basically outta control;)

Tip from grandpa paint your exhaust manifolds with oil based black or gray paint the heat will turn them chalk white.

If you want to see the latest project on the truck you can check it out at 5 Mile Pass. Also if you want updates on the truck don't forget to subscribe by email at the top!

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